24LC02-03 Jean Williams - Shifting the Atmosphere

1 year ago

Jean gives an extremely timely message about stepping into our Godly roles as overcomers in this world. How do we make a difference in our lives and circumstances around us? By getting grounded in who Christ says we are, what authority He has given us and growing daily in our reading of God’s Word, having fellowship with Him and changing atmospheres of chaos, fear, turmoil and hopelessness into joy, peace, love and happiness. Scripture references are Jn 14:12, Gen 1:28, Eph 2:6; 6:10-12, Ps 91:1; 13&14; 113:4-6, 2 Cor 3:17; 10:3-6, Jude 1:20, Matt 6:6 & Acts 4:31. In these times that want to shake us to the core, Jean reminds us we have the authority through Jesus to be overcomers. She concludes with deliverance as God led her.

Kernaa and Jean Williams website:
Lake Hamilton Bible Camp - http://lakehamiltonbiblecamp.com
Lake Hamilton Bible Camp's Free Audio: http://lhbconline.com
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