Deliver Us From Evil

11 months ago

The disciples of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ asked Him how to pray, and He taught them the model prayer

Our Father which art in heaven, Hallowed be thy name. Thy kingdom come. Thy will be done in earth, as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread. And forgive us our debts, as we forgive our debtors. And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil: For thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory, for ever. Amen.

Our message focuses on the petition, Deliver us from evil, and addresses things that are a hindrance to the people of God, things that we must be mindful of and seek diligently to avoid.

Things God's people need to be delivered from . . .

Proverbs 12:24, 13:4, 19:15; 1 Peter 5:8-9; John 9:4
God’s people need to be busy!

Philippians 2:1-8, 14-16; Galatians 5:24-26, 6:2
God's people need to be like Jesus.

Proverbs 6:16-19, 16:18-19, 18:12, 6:16-19; Matthew 7:1-5
God's people need to practice humility.

1 John 4:1; Isaiah 5:20; Psalms 25:4-5; John 16:13-14
God's people need to be established and firm in His Word.

Psalms 18:1-3, 34:1-8, 38:19-22, 50:15, 91:1-16; Ephesians 3:16-21
God's people have need of protection in this dark and evil day.

Father in Heaven . . . Deliver us from evil!

Capac Bible Church is an old fashioned, Bible believing, hymn singing, KJV reading, Christ loving body of believers located in beautiful St Clair County Michigan

Your prayers and support are greatly appreciated.

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