SimpleBiz360 Podcast - Episode #227: SCOUTING FOR DELIVERABLES

1 year ago

#3bti5m #3biztips
What are customers missing? What are the industry voids, and how can we detect them?

Scouts play a vital role in the military, and the world of sports. Adopting a scout mindset in business can help us detect marketplace voids, fill them, and monetize them. The business community will introduce these opportunities, as long as we listen, observe, and think. That is what good scouts do…they pay attention to their surroundings, and they are always on the lookout for capitalizing on a dropped ball. I started my sales agency 17 years ago, simply because I was paying attention to what the customers were complaining about, and then I formed a simple game plan that addressed eliminating those complaints. Delivering two, simple solutions is still making me good money, and it is still picking up dropped balls from other vendors. It worked for me, and it can work for you.

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