My sermon of resistance to the repressive tyrants that are enslaving humanity

7 months ago

The citizens of the United States of America are under siege by the global institutions they once believed were the bulwark of freedom and the American Way. The owners and defenders of those institutions have issued a declaration of war against the American people. If we do not stop them, as erudite columnist Paul Craig Roberts writes, 2024 will be the last year of free speech and democracy in the Western World.

Non-violent asymmetrical warfare is a straightforward approach. It means that the resistance forces would act as segmented independent units with no centralized command and control and no communication that can be detected, to neutralize the power of the enemy one strategic action at a time.

Every action should be legal and safe, but highly assertive and designed carefully to have the greatest impact.

At the same time, we need massive defections by good Americans from the enemy units. These defections began in earnest during the COVID tyranny, and they must accelerate now so as to weaken the opposition. It is time to take sides.

I will not go into examples of strategic actions in this article because readers will be able to discover them on their own and we do not want to reveal our methods, but one good example is the independent truckers’ resistance in New York City that is already underway. Truckers can do that everywhere. Citizens can simply decide to stop shopping and seeking entertainment in New York City and in all blue cities.

These actions represent the escalation that is unfortunately necessary to augment the impact of cultural secession and non-participation. This strategic, non-violent approach is the only way to prevent civil war against a ruthless enemy that has greater numbers and unlimited financial resources because it owns the money supply.

You cannot wait for someone else to do something. There is no one else. YOU must do something. You should not expect God to do something. God expects YOU to do something. It is your responsibility to your people, and it is your destiny.

The time for awakening and crying is over. The elite benefactors and managers of the democratic institutions of the liberal world order are killing and enslaving us. We have a right and a duty to defend ourselves.

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