Phil Godlewski is Insane and so full of shit its beyond belief! 🤣🤣🤣

1 year ago

Read the court document archive everyone!

I know Phil personally, even before he went crazy.
Phil's ex wife is a family friend. I grew up with her, she is a dear friend to my cousins. Such a sweet and beautiful girl, always. I feel terrible that she wound up with someone who became such a psycho and pedophile. Anyway, my mom is now ADDICTED to everything Phil says. I am losing my relationship with her because she is obsessed with Phil, his videos, and all the conspiracy bull crap these people come up with. I honestly didn't even know Phil had this entire reddit thread. I'm glad I found this. I feel like posting in case Phil by some chance reads any of it. Phil, YOU ARE TRASH.

Mr Godlewski pleaded guilty more than a decade ago to corruption of a minor and was sentenced to three months under house arrest, according to the court documents. He faced several charges relating to an alleged sexual relationship with a 15-year-old high school girl when he was 25-years-old.

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