Gratitude As Your Constant Companion | Daily Inspiration

11 months ago

March 17 - Gratitude As Your Constant Companion | Daily Inspiration
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Do not judge yourself or others for how they react, feel or how long they believe they need to feel it. It is the ego who has taught us how to “properly” act or not act to tragedy. Most groups of people have been taught to defined death as tragic, and yet there are groups of people that celebrate a love ones passing. Every moment in our life has been gifted to us in order to reach a higher level of consciousness, and so ask yourself how are these “tragic” events helping me grow and develop into a more compassionate, loving, and forgiving human being? What are these events showing and asking me to do? Are they asking me to focus more on healing certain relationships? Are they asking me to take better care of myself? Are they asking me to increase my spiritual practice and trust in God’s plan? Only you can answer those questions for yourself. There is no right or wrong way to react to tragedy, allow people to express themselves as they think they must, and you will be set freed from the grip of judgment.
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