Wed 21Feb24 David Knight Show UNABRIDGED

11 months ago

(2;00) Assange imprisonment for journalism, done w/o trial — a very dangerous new precedent for tyranny…
• How does mainstream cover Assange? They DON'T. Total blackout from MSM
• UK just passed act criminalizing investigative journalism from "non-accredited" sources
• Reporters kept from visiting Tucker and courtroom is restricted
• Why they hate Assange - the truth about Hillary, military murders, coups, false flag hacks, and more
• Candidate Trump benefited from Assange's truth about Hillary and loved WikiLeaks. President Trump denied ever hearing about WikiLeaks
• Senators Manchin (touted as somewhat independent) & Menendez (with a long list of criminal allegations trailing him) leading the charge against Assange for their masters
• Assange's "crime" was against a state — political extraditions are not allowed by treaty

(1:00:04) The "disgorgement" (their euphemism for theft) of half a billion from Trump is worse than a corrupt judicial system. It is LEGAL, based on a BAD law and an unlimited definition of FRAUD. Perhaps Trump should've focused more on state and local politics? Maybe YOU should. So, what is this law? How could it be applied to ANY of their political enemies?

(1:13:38) Trump allies leak something his supporters want to hear about abortion. His campaign immediately shuts it down. What's real? What's a game?

(1:18:36) Writers of the Lost Ark of the MAGA Covenant More loony idolatry and false prophets at MAGA-lago. What's up with Trump's golden replica of the Ark of the Covenant?

(1:31:19) More Rob Reiner histrionics about "Christian Nationalism". What does he imagine it is? What is his purpose in his failed "documentary" film?

(1:31:19) John Quincy Adams — a true Christian Nationalist

(1:48:32) The Amish kept themselves from being controlled by outsiders and it saved them from all the plandemic medical martial law and TrumpPoison. But the story is bigger than the Amish or the vaccines. A look at the research showing those who eat natural whole foods are far healthier. "Let your for be your medicine"

(2:02:32) INTERVIEW USA Will Send Assange Here… The USA has said they will not put Assange in a SuperMax prison or SAMS but there's another kind of prison they've created for dissidents — special units within a couple of prisons designed to keep political dissidents from communicating to the outside world.
Marty Gottesfeld,, spent years in one of these CMU (Communication Management Unit). He tells us what life was like there and who are some of the prisoners still there.

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