Roman Pyramid of Power - Knights of Malta & Knights Templar

1 year ago

Who is Gen Flynn connected to?

Who is John Singlaub?

What is the Western Goals Foundation?

America’s future? 1946 inception?

What was Operation Paperclip?

The OSS was a precursor to what?

What is the connection between the CIA and knights of Malta?

Is there a Disinformation Network?

What percentage of the Alt Media is compromised?

Who runs Americas project?

The Maltese cross represents what?

Is DJT connected to the Knights of Malta?

Was Phillis Schlafly a good woman?

Who runs the Gateway Pundit?

“American Revival” event included Gen Flynn, Dinesh, and Kevin Sorbo, what does that mean?
Is the World Anti-Communist League a good thing?

Was Gen Flynn behind J6?

Did you know that Mike Flynn received the Inaugural - Singlaub Award?

Who was behind the “Stop the steal”

The 7 pillars of a color revolution

1. A semi-autocratic rather than fully autocratic regime.

2. An unpopular incumbent

3. A United and organized opposition

4. An ability quickly to drive home the point that voting results were falsified.

5. Compliant independent media to inform citizens about falsified vote.

6. A political opposition capable of mobilizing tens of thousands or more demonstrators to protest electoral fraud.

7. Divisions among the regimes coercive forces (division among police and military).

Doesn’t that look like we are going through?

Who is Patrick Byrne connected to?

How about Cyber Ninjas?


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