Self-Judgment, Being in the Right Place at the Right Time

11 months ago

March 16 - Self-Judgment, Being in the Right Place at the Right Time
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Today let us make where we are in life our ally, and not our adversary. Instead of constantly judging ourselves for not being where we perceive we should be, let us instead trust. Trust that where we are right now is exactly where need to be for our greatest good, growth, and development. Imagine trusting that you are always in the right place and the right time, what sort of peace of mind would such a belief bring to your life and those around you. Would not every moment become a blessing to all involved? Would not a sense of gratitude fill you throughout your day?

Today let us make our brothers and sisters our friends in our awakening process, and not our foes. When we experience frustration with them, let us remember that we are all One, and that they are simply reflecting our internal condition. Today when the ego insist that we have every right to argue and become upset with another, we will instead remember that God has put us in this specific situation, at this specific time, and with these specific individuals for a higher purpose, to help lead us to a more peaceful, forgiving, joyful, and loving place within our own hearts and minds.
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