Episode 1887: Embracing the Cross: St Vincent de Paul and St. Therese of Lisieux

7 months ago

Embracing the Cross: St. Vincent de Paul and St. Therese of Lisieux
Let’s delve into the profound wisdom of St. Vincent de Paul and St. Therese of Lisieux, exploring their perspectives on love, sacrifice, and strength in the face of adversity.
In today's episode, we'll journey through the teachings of two remarkable saints whose lives exemplified a deep devotion to God amidst life's trials and tribulations. We begin with St. Vincent de Paul, whose words echo the call to love God not merely with words, but with action and perseverance.
"Let us love God, but with the strength of our arms, in the sweat of our brow."

This quote emphasizes the importance of active love and service in our relationship with God. St. Vincent de Paul understood that true love for God is not merely expressed through words or feelings, but through tangible actions and efforts. By invoking "the strength of our arms" and "the sweat of our brow," he highlights the idea that our love for God should manifest in our everyday lives, in our work, in our relationships, and in our service to others. It's a call to live out our faith authentically, engaging both heart and hands in acts of love and compassion.
St. Vincent de Paul reminds us that our love for God is not passive but active. It requires the sweat of our brow, the toil of our labor, and the dedication of our whole being. It's a love that manifests in our actions, in serving others, and in striving for righteousness even when faced with challenges.
Turning now to the gentle yet profound insights of St. Therese of Lisieux, we encounter her beautiful analogy of the journey to Calvary, where Jesus fell three times under the weight of the cross. St. Therese encourages us to embrace our own crosses with courage and perseverance, knowing that each fall is an opportunity to rise again, strengthened by God's grace.
"Since you are one of His favorites, he wants to make you into His likeness; why be afraid that you will not have the strength to carry this cross without a struggle? On the way to Calvary, Jesus did indeed fall three times and you, poor little child, would like to be different from your spouse, would rather not fall a hundred times if necessary to prove your love to Him by getting back up with even more strength than before your fall!"
St. Therese's words offer profound encouragement to embrace our crosses and challenges with courage and trust in God's grace. She reminds us that God desires to transform us into His likeness, and the crosses we bear are opportunities for growth and spiritual advancement. By referencing Jesus' falls on the way to Calvary, she acknowledges the inevitability of struggles and setbacks in our spiritual journey. However, she urges us not to be discouraged by these falls but to rise again with renewed strength and determination, fueled by our love for God. It's a reminder that our weaknesses and failures are not obstacles to our spiritual progress but rather essential components of our path toward holiness.
St. Therese's words reminding us that God molds us into His likeness through the crosses we bear. Every stumble, every setback, is an opportunity for growth, for it is in our weakness that God's strength is made perfect.
As we reflect on the teachings of St. Vincent de Paul and St. Therese of Lisieux, let us remember that the path of discipleship is not always easy. It requires sacrifice, perseverance, and above all, a deep and abiding love for God.
May we all embrace our crosses with courage and grace, trusting in God's unfailing love and then go out and convert somebody by our example. Good Day!

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