LIVE Wed at 6:30pm EST - Fasting and Prayer

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Fasting in the Bible

This is a list of scriptures where you can study up on fasting.

mentions of fasting:

1 Samuel 7:6
1 Samuel 31:13
2 Samuel 1:12

Luke 18:12
- shows that it's an expected thing for a righteous person to do
- howbeit this was a prideful man whos fasting was in vain

Acts 10:30
- Cornelius fasted
- he was a devout man who feared God - Acts 10:2

Acts 14:23
- ordained elders with fasting and prayer

power from fasting:

Mark 9:29
- power to cast out strong demons

2 Samuel 12:16-23
- David fasted for his child from the affair with Bathsheba
- besought God to spare the child
- God chose not to for a lesson

2 Chronicles 20:3-22
- King Jehoshaphat declared a fast for God's protection
- He appointed singers to praise the beauty of His holiness
- and praise Him for his mercy
- the enemy was wiped out

Esther 4:3 and 4:16
Prayer and fasting for Esther to enter into the king unbidden to plead for her people the Jews
- Esther 9:31 fastings were honored by God

Psalm 35:13
- David fasted for protection against his enemies
- humbled his soul with fasting
Psalm 69:10
- chastened his soul with fasting
Psalm 109:24

Daniel 6:18
- king fasted for Daniel's protection

instructions on fasting:

Isaiah 58:1-6

Zech 7:7
- fast for God and heed His voice
Zech 8:19
- feast day fastings
Matt 4:2
- Jesus fasted as example for us
Matt 6:16
- Jesus' instructions on fasting
Matt 9:14-15
- Jesus' disciples would fast after He left

1 Cor 7:5
- giving yourselves to fasting and prayer is expected

Luke 18:12 I fast twice in the week, I give tithes of all that I possess.
- fasting was considered a "righteous" thing by the pharisees
- it's an expected thing

fasting for God's direction:

Ezra 8:21

Luke 2:37
- prophetess Anna!
- served God with fastings and prayer

Acts 13:2-4
- Holy Spirit spoke and gave direction

fasting for forgiveness:

Jonah 3:5
- Nineveh repented with fasting
- God changed His mind and forgave them

1 Kings 21:27
- King Ahab fasted for forgiveness to humble himself before God
- God forgave him

Nehemiah 1:4
Nehemiah 9:1
Jeremiah 36:6-9
Daniel 9:3
- Daniel prayed for Israel and forgiveness

Joel 2:12-14
- the Lord says turn unto Him with all your heart, with fasting, weeping and mourning
- who knows if the Lord will repent (change His mind)?

Covet the gifts of the Spirit and pray for them with fasting!

James 4:8 Draw nigh to God, and he will draw nigh to you.

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