The Sick Satanic LGBTQIA+ Pedophile Perverse 'Born Gay Hoax'! (Documentary) [20 dec 2022]

1 year ago

Journalist Ryan Sorba Goes Undercover And Interviews Molester Gays Molested At Young Age and captures shocking footage!

A documentary video by Journalist Ryan Sorba that seeks to influence the Supreme Court justices as they rule on marriage features an undercover investigation that challenges the belief that “gays” are “born that way” and, therefore, should be granted special rights.
EXPLICIT (yet necessary) CONTENT!

Researcher and activist Ryan Sorba, who works for Project Veritas, described a shocking undercover video he made on the “born gay” subject.

Over a period of weeks he went into into gay bars and interviewed several dozen men.

Virtually all of them talked about being raped or molested at a young age.

And many of them talked about themselves later molesting underage boys.

Ryan said it was mind-numbing how many men told similar stories.

You won’t hear about this from corporate media, but homosexual molestation and predatory seduction are one of the key entry paths into a “gay” identity and lifestyle for many males.

Yet for decades homosexual activists like Harvey Milk (who himself was molested as a boy; see the book, “Mayor of Castro Street,” by Randy Shilts) have ridiculed any connection between pedophilia and homosexuality.

You don’t get much raw truth on this issue, anymore, so share this video with your family and friends who have bought the lie that homosexuals are “born that way.”

"The Born Gay Hoax" Unpublished Book (First Edition Draft) | PDF:

"The Born Gay Hoax: The Studies Exposed"

All studies which have claimed to have found an immutable cause for same-sex attractions and sodomy have crumbled under the scrutiny of peer review.

Same-sex attractions are not genetic—there is no scientific evidence which shows that they are, none, not a single person has been found with any innate “gay” gene, organ, hormone, chemical, or combination thereof.

"Ryan Sorba Disucusses The Born Gay Hoax Part 1 of 2"

"Ryan Sorba Disucusses The Born Gay Hoax Part 2 of 2"

"The American Psychological Association Says Born-That-Way-And-Can’t-Change Is Not True of Sexual Orientation And Gender Identity"

"Does Abuse Contribute to the Development of ‘Gay’/Same Sex Attraction?"

"Former homosexuals and children of LGBTs speak the truth!"

"The lies of the 'gay' movement"

"Riot at Smith College shuts down speech - PART I"

"Riot at Smith College shuts down speech - PART II"

"The Gay Infiltration of the Conservative Movement - Accuracy in Media"

Wonder what They/Them means?

It means Legion, Demons...

It also represents the many personalities that form within a mind damaged from from being shattered when Abused when they are younger.

A prime mind for "MK ULTRA"

Notice how it shows its tounge after?

Infested with demons.

You need to see the documentary: Born gay hoax.. Mind blown..

I'm posting my edited version of it soon.

Being "born gay" Empowers them!

Takes the blame away from them for being like they are.

It is truly a sickness, a disease, and is being pushed by the New World Order as being the norm.

PROTECT your children!

You will see from this documentary how widespread this sickness is and how easily our children have been preyed upon.

This happens to Both boys and girls.

Never let your guard down when it comes to your kids.

Spread this far and wide.

This disease is only second in severity to miscegenation in destroying our white race. Take heed!
Source: Kat the Fryan:

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