Heart Is Not Just a Pump! | Heart Resonance and Quantum Healing with Dr Rainer Viehweger - Ep 5

1 year ago

The Heart is Not Just a Pump but an Energetic Modulator of Emotional and Physical Health. In this discussion with Dr Rainer Viehweger we look at the importance of heart energy and how it is embedded within the nature of the universe.

According to Global Scaling Theory everything has a resonance and we are embedded in the universe via the fundamental fractal. It's vital to understand how important the heart is for providing connection and information to and from the Unified Field.

What we can do to enhance our own heart-based resonant field via emotional connection with our authentic self. And in so doing we help the universe learn about itself.

Find Rainer on https://tybmas-health.co.uk

0:00 Changing times call for a new outlook. Taking care of how we create mankind's new direction
02:20 Being authentic and honest with yourself
03:31 Heart Rate Variability (HRV) How a fractal heart self-regulates - Rollin McCraty HeartMath Institute - building a harmonious life. The more variable the more healthy we are - the heart is not a metronome it is influenced by the breath and our thoughts to give us coherence or harmony related to the Golden Ratio.
09:00 What is stress? It is an excitement over and above its normal resting state - the sympathetic system can get stuck in trauma
11:00 The Fundamental Fractal organizes all life including the heart - 63 bpm = 1.1Hz = delta range of our brain in deep sleep. So our information exchange between head and heart is maximised here.
13:09 A Global Scaling approach to heart rate shows us the average heart rate of 55 bpm is right in the centre of the resonant scale.
17:00 Heart and brain are related to eachother - and they are both related to electron and proton resonance states which are the basis of the Fundamental Fractal. When in harmony we make good (harmonic) decisions. we have more energy to resist poor decisions and create harmonious outcomes
20:00 Harmony in society - we are nested in an oscillatory system so we need to enhance our connectivity to the universal energy and information available at all scales which gives us power to be active participants
23:20 Importance of light for health - shares a pattern with hrv so receiving energy from sunlight, nature and waves of the ocean helps us to harmonise = giving and receiving love & Basis of empathy
26:30 Fundamental fractal is based on Euler's number (a very interesting and unique number) which supports us in our own authentic identity (true self) and they feel more empowered
30:00 When we move away from harmony we explore what is possible so trauma or difficulties are how we learn and integrate that information into our memory and universal memories
32:00 Humans are in a unique position to partake in the evolution/ self-learning of the universe
34:20 HRV is a measure of our ability to self-regulate in our nervous system. It is an output we can measure as a visible sign of harmonious being states - and we can learn to change our HRV with breathwork for instance. Building a new response-ability

#heartresonance #unifiedfield #hrv #quantumhealing

Find me on:

https://alchemytherapies.co.uk - 121 and group therapy and training for stress related conditions like anxiety, fatigue and pain. See in particular Thrive! - an introductory mindbody connection program.
https://emotionalmasterclass.com - intensive program to fast-track your healing
http://myemotionalaudit.com - group program
https//patriciaworby.com - author and book site
https://www.alchemytherapies.co.uk/podcast - podcast

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