Musical Dog Adds Vocals To His Human's Piano Solo

7 years ago

Not only do dogs make the best companions, they're also very musically talented as well! Have you ever heard a canine sing? Of course you have, because everybody and their grandma knows that when it comes to a canine musical prodigy, the Husky leads by a long shot!

But we are here to tell you of a dog that is not even closely related to the Siberian breed, but has all the makings of a singing super star! Introducing the 6-month-old German Shepherd puppy named Tango that never leaves his buddy hanging whenever he plays the piano!

As the kid sits by his instrument and starts his performance, Tango just lies there, waiting for his cue. Then, almost like a charm, Tango lifts his head up and starts following the melodic tune. He sings of unconditional love and the sorrow of it being unreciprocated. The blues in his voice is almost tangible and it makes our bodies shiver. Of course, he is singing of the ball he lost in the yard a while back, but that’s another story.

When the story gets heated up, Tango can’t handle it any longer, so he gets up and howls louder. We feel the tears pooling up in our eyes. Don’t worry, tango, you’ll get another ball! Such vocals, it is amazing!

It seems that Tango isn’t the only German Shepherd with the knack for the piano. Six-year-old Sadie has been in love with the instrument ever since she was rescued in 2009. Look how modest she is when she misses a note, so sweet!

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