8 months ago

Many folks are still asleep concerning the current and still operational depopulation of humanity. The WEF Globalist (Kissinger, Soros, Fink, Gates, Schwab, Fauci, Tedros etc. about 120 core unelected bully WEF members) have clearly stated they are in favor of Depopulating humanity, leaving only 10% left.

Remember their 'Georgia Guidestones' that said that the world should only have 500 million people in it... which is way lower than our current world population of 7.1 BILLION. Around 5.7 Billion got the shots.

And the aftermath of that decision is still manifesting with injuries, and many have died... @700 Million Worldwide... and far more injured.

Please wake up everyone. The good doctors and scientist are confirming over and over these covid shots are indeed bioweapons meant to kill humanity. A former vice president of Pfizer has been sounding the alarm that this is true. They were engineered to kill billions of people over time. Especially with the boosters. Please don't take any more... and if you love your family and friends and even strangers tell them not to take the shots. If you care... you will share. You don't want their death on your conscience... because you never warned them. You never gave them the information that could have saved them.

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