The Jerry Wills Show: Interview With Dr. James Garrow

8 months ago

For those of you unaware of who Dr. James Garrow is, he is the retired U.S. intelligence officer who exposed Barack Obama's "litmus test" for military and intelligence operatives. Obama asked all of our top military and intelligence personnel if they would fire on American citizens. In spite of snopes' false allegation it is not true, trust me it was. Several top military officials no longer in office have confirmed it, but Dr. Jim Garrow was the first. For his troubles, Obama tried to have him assassinated, but he ducked at the right moment.

"I have just been informed by a former senior military leader that Obama is using a new "litmus test" in determining who will stay and who must go in his military leaders." ~Anonymous Official

Get ready to explode folks. "The new litmus test of leadership in the military is if they will fire on US citizens or not". Those who will not are being removed.

Dr. Garrow is also famed for saving the lives of tens of thousands of infant Chinese girls. In The Pink Pagoda, a book written by Dr. Garrow tells two stories: his personal involvement in helping rescue more than 36,000 Chinese baby girls from death, and the tragic story of a widely used and malicious cultural practice that crosses borders and spans centuries. Transitioning from reluctant participant in an off-the-books adoption program to a visible champion for the rights of these babies whose parents wished to set them aside, Garrow's story parallels our own. Most Westerners are only vaguely aware of the extent to which China's one-baby-per-household restriction has played out in that country and around the world and what they can do to stop it.

Dr. Garrow was also a 2009 Nobel Peace Prize nominee, but instead the globalist Nobels gave the prize to Barack Obama who had done absolutely nothing for world peace.

Who is Jerry Wills?
Jerry Wills is basically an old hippie gone conservative. The best I can describe him is he is an obscure talk show host who needs to market himself better. I don't often listen to talk shows, but in my opinion he is the best talk show host since Tom Snyder. Too bad more people don't know about him. His show broadcasts from two obscure locations, either from Jerome, Arizona or Tombstone.

The Jerry Wills Show
Jerry Wills is widely recognized as an international speaker and a prominent figure in radio and internet TV broadcasting, notably through his appearances on the Kevin Smith Show and hosting the Jerry Wills Show. His passion for broadcasting is evident in his unique and relaxed interviewing style. Jerry’s easygoing manner has a way of putting his guests at ease, allowing for more engaging and insightful conversations. His approachable demeanor and skillful interviewing techniques make his shows not only informative but also enjoyable for both his guests and the audience. Jerry’s love for broadcasting shines through in every episode, making him a beloved and respected figure in the world of radio and internet TV.

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