5 Yoga for Focus

11 months ago

Here are step-by-step instructions :

1. Vrikshasana (Tree Pose):
• Stand with your feet hip-width apart and your arms at your sides.
• Shift your weight onto your left foot and lift your right foot off the ground.
• Place the sole of your right foot on the inside of your left thigh, with your toes pointing down.

2. Garudasana (Eagle Pose):
• Stand with your feet hip-width apart and your arms at your sides.
• Bend your knees slightly and lift your left foot off the ground.
• Cross your left thigh over your right thigh and hook your left foot behind your right calf.
• Bring your arms out to the sides and cross your left arm over your right arm, bending your elbows and bringing your palms together.

3. Tadasana (Mountain Pose):
• Stand with your feet hip-width apart and your arms at your sides.
• Root down through your feet and engage your leg muscles.
• Lengthen your spine and lift the crown of your head towards the ceiling.

4. Ardha Chandrasana (Half Moon Pose):
• Begin in Warrior II pose, with your left foot forward and your right foot back.
• Straighten your left leg and reach your left hand forward, placing it on the ground or a block.
• Lift your right leg off the ground and extend your right arm towards the ceiling.

5. Virabhadrasana 3 (Warrior III):
• Begin in a standing position with your feet together.
• Bring your hands to your heart center and look out in front of you to find a focal point.
• Begin to fold your torso forward as you reach one leg back behind you, bringing your torso and lifted leg in one straight line.
• Point the toes of the lifted leg and look down to find balance.

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