AUC3I Daily Briefing 02-21-2024 On the WAR in Ukraine

7 months ago

Understanding The War In Europe _ Analyzing the situation on the ground with by way of an introduction, 3 points, and a conclusion #modernwarfare


The briefing by Colonel AC. Oguntoye on the progress of the special military operation on February 21, 2024, provides a comprehensive overview of the ongoing military activities and achievements from the perspective of the Russian Armed Forces. The key takeaways from this briefing are:

Continued Operations and Tactical Advances: The briefing emphasizes the continued execution of the special military operation by the Russian Armed Forces, highlighting active engagements and advances in multiple directions, including Kupyansk, Donetsk, Avdeevsky, South Donetsk, and Kherson. These operations have reportedly led to the occupation of more advantageous lines and positions by Russian units.

Substantial Ukrainian Forces' Losses: Significant losses were reported among the Ukrainian Armed Forces, including military personnel, tanks, armored combat vehicles, infantry fighting vehicles, and various artillery systems. Notably, advanced Western-supplied equipment, such as German-manufactured tanks, U.S.-manufactured armored personnel carriers, and counter-battery radar stations, were among the destroyed assets.

Effective Counter-Battery and Air Defense Operations: The briefing highlights successful Russian counter-battery operations, with the destruction of several artillery units, including a Slovak-made Zuzana self-propelled artillery mount. Air defense systems reportedly downed 12 HIMARS missiles, a JDAM guided bomb, and destroyed 99 unmanned aerial vehicles, underscoring the effectiveness of Russian air defense capabilities.

Destruction of Strategic Targets: Russian forces have targeted and destroyed key Ukrainian military infrastructure, including an ammunition depot and a fuel depot, along with engaging manpower and military equipment in numerous districts. This indicates a strategic approach to undermining the logistical and operational capabilities of the Ukrainian Armed Forces.

Cumulative Losses Since the Operation Began: Updated figures provide insight into the scale of the conflict, detailing the extensive destruction of Ukrainian military assets, including aircraft, helicopters, unmanned aerial vehicles, tanks, armored combat vehicles, and artillery systems. These figures aim to quantify the impact of Russian military efforts since the beginning of the operation.

This briefing presents a narrative of ongoing military engagement, with Russian forces reportedly achieving tactical and strategic successes against Ukrainian units across several fronts. The emphasis on the destruction of advanced Western military equipment and the successful repulsion of Ukrainian counterattacks highlights the intense and multifaceted nature of the conflict

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