Moira Deeming MP - Fire Rescue Victoria Vaccine Injuries and human rights

10 months ago

21 February 2024 - Victorian Legislative Council
Moira Deeming MP made her adjournment speech to call upon the Victorian Emergency Services Minister to end the inconsistent and damaging vaccine mandate being carried on by Fire Rescue Victoria.

Firefighters in Victoria have been mandated to take 3 Covid-19 "vaccines"/injections for over 2 years, where the LAST DOSE WAS REQUIRED 2 YEARS AGO! (March 12 2022).

Additionally, FRV is rife with vaccine injured firefighters who've been disabled, some with approved workcover claims, and now the revelation that a vaccine injured worker has been returned on 'human rights' grounds

— astounding to say the least, and an enormous slap in the face to firefighters who refused to become injuries of vaccines that never prevented infection or transmission, and resulted in serious and life threatening injuries putting lives at risk and subtracting from community safety.

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