Atomic bomb explosion💥 seen from space 😱

1 year ago

An atomic bomb explosion in space would look quite different from one on Earth. Here are some key points based on historical events and scientific predictions:

Starfish Prime Test: In 1962, the U.S. military launched a rocket into space to test a fusion bomb in an event known as Starfish Prime. The bomb, which was 500 times as powerful as the one that fell on Hiroshima, exploded at an altitude of 250 miles. The explosion created an artificial aurora that could be seen as far away as New Zealand.
Light Emission: When the Starfish Prime nuclear bomb exploded, charged particles from the blast collided with molecules in Earth’s atmosphere, lighting up the sky in every direction. It was reported that the sky looked like noon when the nuclear weapon went off.
Electromagnetic Pulse (EMP): The explosion also created an electromagnetic pulse that caused blackouts and disrupted electronic communication in Hawaii.
Absence of Mushroom Cloud: Unlike ground-based nuclear explosions that create a mushroom cloud, a nuclear explosion in space would not form this iconic shape. Instead, the explosion would yield massive auroras as charged particles interact with the Earth’s magnetic field.
Radiation: The explosion would emit gamma rays and X-rays, which would expand to light up the sky. On the surface of the planet, auroras of light would be seen for thousands of miles within minutes of the blast.
Aftermath: The fallout from such an explosion could have long-lasting effects. For instance, the extra particles dispersed by the Starfish Prime test have been used as timestamps, allowing us to date everything from trees to fake wine to people.

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