Why you should vote No! Trust your gut Ireland! From a stay at home mother 18-01-24

1 year ago

On March 8th 2024, you will be asked to remove Article 41.2 from the Irish Constitution.
This article acknowledges, recognises, and values the contribution a woman or mother in the home provides the state.
So let's breakdown what this means.
Article 41.2 currently recognises that, “by her life within the home, a woman gives to the State, a support without which the common good cannot be achieved”.
Is removing this paragraph progressive or regressive for women?
Speaking as a full time stay at home mother for whom this referendum impacts directly, I can categorically state that Article 41.2 does not offend me.
I do not feel oppressed by this paragraph.
I do not feel it is sexist or degrading.
In fact, I feel the complete opposite.
I feel acknowledged seen and valued as a woman, for my decision to stay at home to raise my family.
A greatly important and vital role that society generally does not afford much merit or respect.
This section of the constitution, however, acknowledges what we, as women and mothers, whether working in paid employment or not, provide this country for the common good.
The reason it specifically mentions women is that the benefits a mother can provide to her children are unparalleled.
There is no specific reason as to why this section needs to be deleted in order to provide protection to fathers and other caregivers.
No one is suggesting they be left out.
By all means, add those people in so they too can be afforded the same protection.
But do not remove the word woman.
Is not female empowerment to be erased from our constitution.
It is not female empowerment to be deleted.
True feminism protects women in all aspects of their lives.
Our great grandmother, grandmothers, and mothers fought to be recognised.
Generations of women fought to be acknowledged, to be seen, to be valued, and now the men in suits are pushing for our very removal.
The same men who can't even define what it means to be a woman.
To answer the question I asked earlier.
Is deleting this paragraph progressive or regressive.
It is regressive
It's a huge step backwards.
Protect our sex. Protect mothers. Protect Women.
Vote No on March 8th.

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