Casting Brass Knuckles👊 at home out of Brass Junk - Brass Casting

1 year ago

Converting Some Brass Junk into dangerous, spiked and shiny Golden Brass Knuckles at home.

Casting Brass Knuckles👊 at home out of Brass Junk | Brass Casting

Using Backyard Foundry I melted Brass household Junk into useful Shiny Brass Knuckles.This is our very First Brass Casting ever. Brass Almost melts at 900°C to 940°C. Brass is mainly an alloy of Copper and Zinc

Using your Homemade Furnace you can make your own Brass knuckles of your own designs. While melting brass wear safety masks to avoid zinc fumes. Also Remember to wear other SAFETY stuff during casting Metal because safety is first priority.
Must Remember, Make these knuckles just for Fun or self protection because these items are serious Weapons may spread Dread or can promote violence. And also may be illegal in most areas.

Must follow the instructions, safety and the ways in video to make the brass knuckles.

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