Rent to own is NOT an option, Watermelons malfunctioning, New York will spend 15 BILLION on Illegals

10 months ago

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Entire communities are being bought and/or built with the sole option being to rent without the option to buy, people are being forced to live paycheck to paycheck and if you can't make rent then out you go, someone needs to fix this MAJOR problem 😠

Watermelons are blowing up, leaking ooze, spraying said ooze, even appearing to sizzle like they're boiling, what's left inside looks more like rotting meat than a watermelon, SHUT DOWN THE CHEMTRAILS and STOP GMO, IT'S POISONING THE FOOD 😡

ILLEGAL ALIENS in New York are getting EVERYTHING FOR FREE paid for by TAXPAYERS that AMERICAN CITIZENS can't even get, the State is set to spend 15 BILLION DOLLARS to start with on them through 2025, TAKE CARE OF AMERICAN CITIZENS AND SEND ILLEGALS HOME, We could have such a better Country without all this corruption 😟

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