This Is Canada | National Citizens Inquiry | Canada Day Campaign

1 year ago

Join the exciting This Is Canada campaign and be a part of the National Citizens Inquiry (NCI) movement! Wondering what's next for the NCI? Well, here's the twist: What will YOU do next? We have hours of testimony and an upcoming commissioner's report. This is a groundbreaking moment, and we want you to get involved. Here's how:
1. Visit to access the NCI "This is Canada" flyer. Get ready to celebrate Canada's 156th birthday by printing 156 copies of the flyer. (You can print two copies per page if you prefer)

2. Over the month of July, spread the truth and take a nice walk. Distribute the flyer around your neighborhood by dropping one in every mailbox.

3. Capture the moment:

- Take a photo of yourself in action as an NCI Ambassador
- Share it on social media using the hashtags #ThisIsCanada, #NCI, #NationalCitizensInquiry.

Feeling even more inspired? Share a video where you tell us how this journey has transformed you. Let's ignite change together, the world is watching!

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