RT Kendall Prophetic Integrity - Paul Cain - Ihopkc Prophetic History

7 months ago

RT Kendall Prophetic Integrity covers the Kansas City Prophets giving us insight into ihopkc prophetic history. The Kansas City Prophets were Bob Jones, Paul Cain and John Paul Jackson. In this video RT Kendall covers his close friendship with Paul Cain who played a big role with Mike Bickle in ihopkc. Rt Kendall claimed he knew Paul Cain closer then most people. And his book gives indebt details into Paul Cain life and ministry. Did his prophetic words come to pass? What kind of guy was he? RT summarized his time with the Kansas City Prophets as "The good, the bad and the ugly".
Rt Kendall was the pastor of Westminster Chapel in the UK. He holds a Doctorate from Oxford. He is a popular author who wrote many best selling books . He considers himself charismatic and prophetic. RT Kendall in know for calling for a word and spirit church. He made a bold statement that the charismatic movement is Ishmael but an Isaac movement is coming, which upset so many charismatics.

RT Kendall called Paul Cain the most speculator of the Kansas City Prophets. Paul Cain was a protégé of William Branham. And Paul Cain thought his gifting was nothing compared to Branham. William Branham is thought to be the forerunner to the Kansas City Prophets. It should be noted Branham died too early in a car accident. And went into deep theological error at the end of his ministry. Now Paul Cain eventually came to London to meet him with John Wimber. John Wimber told him him Paul gave prophetic words to 150 families at his church and all of these words were accurate and came to pass. But RT explains the Paul Cain told Wimber That Revival would come to London in 1990 and this word never came to pass. Rt Kendall says that Paul Cain prophetic gifting were the best he has ever seen. And he gave him many prophetic words that did come to pass. Rt tells several amazing stories of Paul Cain prophetic words coming to pass. RT does explain that although he had gifting his theology and knowledge of the bible was terrible.

He covers the ugly part of Paul Cain. In October 2004 Mike Bickle, along with Rick Joyner and Jack Deere disfellowship with Paul due to homosexuality and drunkenness. It seems that he was unwilling to submit to a restoration process. He states Paul Cain was never restored to ministry 100%. Paul Cain went on to be part of the Lakeland Revival with Todd and Bentley. This revival would end in disgrace and moral failures. Paul Gives a prophetic word that Todd Bentley "had no guile in him". This prophetic word was wrong. Rt states that we should never choose gifting over character. Derek Prince tried to warn Mike Bickle about the Kansas City Prophets and said "He felt this prophetic movement took the focus off Jesus and the scriptures, toward subjective experiences and human personalities".

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