Episode 3: India, Israel, and the Rise of Hindutva Fascism

1 year ago

On this Episode we discuss the rise of Hindutva Fascism within the Indian Government, the active and intensifying persecution of Muslims, and the the role and relation to Israel in this ongoing drama.

We are joined by Indian Muslim Activist, Sabika. Any details beyond that make things for activists in India increasingly dangerous. Also, here are some factual corrections from Sabika about the following episode:

1. At 30:31 - I say Peshwa Baji Rao, which is factually incorrect and I said it in some flow (cause there is a very famous movie on it lol) but its actually Peshwa Nana Saheb, the son of Peshwa Baji Rao 2 who fought in revolt of 1857.

2. 31:38 - I say Dina Nath Sharma, it is actually Dina Nath Batra ( I think it was too late in the night for me to get the names right), you could just remove Sharma, or the full name.

3. 1:47: I say Christians were added later- they were, albeit not in the act, but in the discussion stage itself. So you were right and I was factually incorrect there.

4. 1:50 : I say Hindus for Peace, it is Hindus For Human Rights

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