40 Days of Prayer: Week 2, Day 1 -Praying for Important Decisions

11 months ago

Welcome to Week 2, DAY 1 Luke 6:12-16

I learned many lessons from my maternal grandmother. I used to sleep over at her house on weekends and remember falling asleep in her room while she, on her knees by the bed, would pray to God for hours. She interceded for her family, herself, and her church. And in times of difficult decisions, in tears, she prayed to her Creator. In the morning, I’d find her in the same place and position praying. She lived a Spirit-led life that showed her devotion to God through fervent prayer. She followed her loving Savior’s example.
Jesus’ prayer life is constant throughout the gospels. In this passage, we read that after praying all night, He chose the men who would carry on His message after He had ascended to the heavens. This was a critical decision, and He prayed before He chose. Jesus was a man of prayer who depended solely on the guidance of His Father. He needed this time away to pray. He knew the need to seek direction and discernment from His Father.
We all have moments where we must make decisions that could potentially change the direction of our lives. Unfortunately, we don’t always understand the need to pause to allow the Holy Spirit to lead us to seek guidance from our Father. We must not get ahead of ourselves without first having submitted to the Holy Spirit and persisted in fervent prayer. We need to follow Jesus’ example. That’s what my grandmother did!

Dear Jesus, I long to follow Your example. Holy Spirit, lead me in times when I must make important or hard decisions. Stir in me a deep yearning and sense of urgency to seek Your guidance as I discern Your plans for my life. May I be reminded to completely rest in Your will and surrender my time to truly seek You in fervent prayer. In Your precious, loving name, amen.

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