Are you eating the right things to avoid heart disease ?

11 months ago

My client had recently suffered a heart attack; and after he was released from hospital, he wanted to discuss the information the Doctors had given him, with me.

I had the look at the information handed out to my client in the hospital.

The first thing I read was:

“ENJOY HEALTHY EATING” (I couldn’t agree more with that sentence!)

Then it went like this:

Have 2 serves of fruit and 5 serves of vegetables daily.
Have wholegrain cereals, bread, rice and pasta.
Choose lean meats and low fat dairy foods.
Eat fish at least 2 times per week.
Drink plenty of water.
Use moderate amounts of mono and poly unsaturated oils and margarines. (For example olive, canola or sunflower.)

Before I go any further, I just want to say that I ONLY AGREE WITH POINT 4 and 5: EAT FISH (and even that only in moderation as about 95% of the worlds fish is polluted with heavy metals) AND DRINK PLENTY OF WATER.

Just as I thought the information couldn’t get any worse I read: “avoid full cream dairy foods and cream, sour cream and butter and meat fats.”

(This is exactly the type of diet that will destroy my client’s heart and arteries, and feel miserable, depressed and hungry in the process.)

Luckily I was able to agree with the last few pointers:

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