China-Russia Military Exercises in the Baltic Sea Raise Concerns

11 months ago

02/19/2024 Nicole on Stinchfield Tonight: Regarding the military exercises conducted by Communist China and Russia in the Baltic Sea, Nicole noted that since the outbreak of the Ukrainian war, the CCP has become Russia's primary supplier of weapons. These exercises imply greater security threats to Baltic Sea neighboring countries, especially for NATO members Estonia, Lithuania, and Latvia. Host Stinchfield suggested that China might exploit the exercises to stir up NATO and create tension, while Russia could escalate regional instability.
02/19/2024 妮可做客Stinchfield Tonight:对于中俄在波罗的海进行军事演习,妮可表示自乌克兰战争爆发以来,中共成为俄罗斯的主要武器供应商,此次演习对波罗的海周边国家来说,意味着可能面临更大的安全威胁,尤其是对于北约成员国爱沙尼亚、立陶宛和拉脱维亚而言。主持人Stinchfield 认为中共可能会利用此次演习搅动北约,制造紧张局势,而俄罗斯则可能会加剧地区不稳定。

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