Fridge and Pantry Organization 2024

1 year ago

Hi friends, in this video I am cleaning out and organizing my fridge. I will also be cleaning out my pantry and reorganizing it as well as restocking some supplies. I will share with you some things that I keep on hand and how I use them. I hope this video gives you some helpful tips. Thanks for watching! Angie❤️

Table of Contents:
00:27 - Intro
00:43 - Fridge Organization
12:50 - Pantry Organization
31:10 - Outro

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*My videos are not sponsored
*Music from Epidemic Sound

About Me:
Hi friends,
welcome to my channel!

I'm the wife of an Air Force veteran, mom of 3 and middle child. I love doing creative projects and trying new, healthy recipes. God and family are most important to me. I focus on healthy living: body, mind, and spirit to be the best version of myself.

I set realistic goals that I can maintain and have never felt better!

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