February 20, 2024

1 year ago

Hi My name is :Leon-George: Sinclair and i do several things: I release people from fraudulent contracts, help people rid themselves of stupid shit like speeding fines and 'Driving' offenses, Council Tax, ALL credit agreements as they are ALL fraudulent, and other stuff like Mortgages and Gas - Leki & Water....ALL of which are fraudulent.

On my Cancer website https://www.medi-cure.uk there is a section on 'Maritime Admiralty Law' https://medi-cure.uk/maritime-admiralty-law/ which is the mechanism for the fraud to become 'Legal', by duping you into accepting something known of as 'Joinder'. Its a big topic but its quite easy to learn, with help, which is why I do not charge for any of my services - too many people in this sector feel that they have hit Jackpot by knowing this information and start charging big $$ for it, upfront in a lot of cases..... you people need to slow the fuk down....this is free information for the people who live in this realm to help them free themselves from a life of enslavement and tyranny...its not for you to profit from, or rip people off with. I have done a large section of 'things' under this umbrella of common law, i am only able to advise on that which i have had personal successes with, which is quite a lot so far! so feel free to contact me with whatever it is that you deem a problem and il see if i can help it go the fuk away :)

And I also explain Christian21's information for the awakening process - i understand it pretty well, please feel free to contact me if you have any questions regarding the ascension, upcoming lockdown, arrests, ET's, 5th density, and what may be behind the ice-wall that isn't meant to be there?.....we haven't got long left may as well make the most of it :) what happened in 3D stays in 3D lol- dont forget nothing is what you thought it was.....nothing at all is what you thought it was, not your language, not your sciences, not your his-story, nothing was what it seemed - the truth is far worse than imaginable fiction, yet the truth is real......looking at the possibility of this being true is the process of realization that we have all been terribly terribly lied to.....a lot. The Rabit hole runs deeeeeeep.....the EBS will show it to you raw, so better get up to speed a little 1st here...help cushion the blow a bit - Biog Love People xxx

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