Grandpa Tom : World Review : Stagnating

7 months ago

Overall Military Conflict, Israeli Ferrengi Genocide Continues Unabated, Houthi Paying A Big Price For Fucking Around In The Red Sea, Tucker Carlson Interviews Putin And Gets Special Envelope, Trump Legal Trials Seem Geared To Submit Evidence Wherever They Go And Set Up Corrupt Judges For Later Prosecution, Lots of UFO Activity.

Overall distrust for entire government. Apparent solid border stand taking place in Texas. Truckers siding with screw job on Trump start refusing loads to NYC.

Apparent continued use of Direct Energy Weapon reported at new locations. Theories abound about its use on Canadian, California and Possibly Australian Fires and more.

I believe that the gray ash when used lend itself to the PULVERIZATION OF WORLD TRADE CENTERS 1 and 2. Unsure of Building 7.

Imagine in all seriousness just how high the debris piles SHOULD HAVE BEEN !!!!

Also the crooked nature of CNN and early use of CGI and / or Holographic Technology may very well have been in use.

Personal Note on 9/11- My wife and I were in Niles , Ohio on 9/11. Our local TV picked up something odd at Cleveland Hopkins Airport.

I absolutely saw a live feed of a commercial aircraft pulled into the NASA hanger there. No doubt in my mind. Looking back at it years later, it could easily have been repurposed AND been collected on as an insurance loss.

Clay Higgins Congressman
Army Veteran

1.) Congressman Clay Higgins |

2.) About | Congressman Clay Higgins

About | Congressman Clay Higgins

3.) clay higgens congress - Google Search

Parasite Cleanse

Allen Dulles

Today November 22nd is the day that President John F. Kennedy was assassinated. Here are a few historical facts you won't find in Wikipedia and the connection with Allen Dulles the CIA director who was also MJ-1 head of MJ-12 operations, and how this has shaped our history that led to Kennedy's assassination.
It is important to know that Allen Dulles was historically instrumental in furthering the Nazi agenda for the cabal and the Nazi infiltration after the war into America.
1933 Dulles was involved from the very beginning with Hitler's first meeting that raised him into power as an attorney for Schröder Bank which financed Hitler. FBI documents also suggest that he even helped in Hitler's escape to Argentina in 1945 after faking his death.
1947 it was none other than Allen Dulles who drafted the memo to OSS chief William J. Donovan sent to Truman regarding converting the wartime OSS into a permanent CIA. He made arrangements with Major General Reinhard Gehlen head of Nazi Intelligence to allow 5,000 Nazi spies into the CIA and gave them new identification paperwork to allow the escape of thousands of Nazis and falsified reports to President Truman to expand the infiltration operations utilizing the CIA as its cover.
1949 President Truman forces MJ-12 member James Forrestal to resign and is committed to a medical facility to silence him over a dispute regarding public disclosure. Shortly after, Forrestal is murdered for wanting to publicly disclose the MJ-12 operations. Future Present Lydon Johnson is implicated in his murder. This is then followed by the "1949 CIA Act" which then gives approval for a 'Black Budget' for the CIA to operate completely outside of the oversight of the law
1950 Dulles starts "Operation Mockingbird" to control the public's perception toward their agenda by having the CIA pay over 400 media journalists what to report to the public
1953 Dulles authorizes the MK-ULTRA mind control project with experiments with LSD etc.
1954 Nelson Rockefeller's restructuring efforts during the Eisenhower administration puts Dulles as MJ-1 head of the new MJ-12 control group
1954 President Eisenhower has a meeting with the Galactic Federation of Worlds who warned him not to trust the Orion Greys. Eisenhower had planned according to witnesses on having public disclosure on radio and television in May that year.
Instead of disclosure, Dulles as MJ-1, circumvents Eisenhower and enters into a treaty with the Orion Greys to abduct millions of our citizens for their hybrid program in exchange for MJ-12 to receive some technology.
Dulles who was later fired by JFK for his hidden subversive activities, was at that time the longest sitting CIA director.
Dulles still in power as MJ-1, sets in place an assassination directive against the president if he no longer cooperates with the agenda of MJ-12 as revealed in what was called the "burned memo".
1963 JFK wanting public disclosure of the UFO matter sends a top secret memo to the new CIA director John McCone to disclose the UFO/MJ-12 operations which triggers the assassination directive and 10 days later...
1963 November 22nd JFK is assassinated.
1963 after JFK’s murder, Dulles was then assigned by President Johnson to head the Warren Commission, which determined that no conspiracy was involved in the murder of JFK.
POSTED BY DAN WILLIS: 1967 in a Secret CIA psyops dispatch the POSTED BY DAN WILLIS: Label "Conspiracy Theorists" was then to be used to discredit anyone who challenges the "Official" narrative. Which decades later is still in use today
2017 the release of the JFK files implicated both President Johnson and George W. Bush who put the 25 year secrecy order on the release of the JFK files, which revealed that they were both implicated in the assassination as well as Dulles.
Dr Michael Salla does an excellent expose of Dulles' assassination directive against JFK titled "Project Environment" in this video

Explore the Galaxy with Elena Danaan

Jan 6 was a Set Up


Patent # For Morgellons Disease US6245531B1 - Polynucleotide encoding insect ecdysone receptor - Google Patents

Cancer Treatments & MEDBEDS

** Breaking News 🗞️ 12/02/23
AMA Admits Cancer Treatments Cause Cancer **


2.) The Celestial Chambers and Med Beds: Trump’s Bold Claim and the Future of Medicine – The Best Is yet to Come! - American Media Group


If we think mirror, and apply the info in this meme to everything: water, cleaning products, soap, shampoo, fragrances, candles etc., we can see the deception unfold.

As covered on this channel prior, the vaccine was where they screwed up. Operation Warp Speed forced them to play their hand and surprisingly, they became arrogant by not disclosing ingredients. They needed mass deaths to point to the virus. Even the sleepers did not consent due to the neglect of following their very own Satanic tenet to INFORM about their sick plans through publishing ingredients.

Patriots globally were able to issue saline into the medical supply, while many sectors were not so lucky because the rot is at the core of corporate / political world.

Also discussed prior, please get pure zeolite powder to pull the metals and silicone while cleansing with distilled water to pull the remaining inorganics (1 gallon per day 90 days) to restore your body to child like vigour.

Defeating God is about the Children, but also to dumb the big kids down through the slow kill democide as witnessed by what we willfully put in our mouths, and minds through food, water and enter-tain-ment (enter-hold-mind).
Newest MEDBED Articles As Of October 23, 2023
1.) The Celestial Chambers and Med Beds: Trump’s Bold Claim and the Future of Medicine – The Best Is yet to Come!
The world of medicine has always been on a relentless quest for innovation and advancement, but perhaps nothing could have prepared us for the audacious claims made by former President Trump.

His statement about the imminent obsolescence of traditional hospital procedures has left many intrigued and eager to know more about these mysterious "Celestial Chambers" and "Med Beds."

In this article, we will delve deep into this paradigm-shifting technology, exploring the potential it holds for humanity.

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Veterans Against Treason
Breaking Info ℹ️ Just in from a fellow Air Force Veteran - please check out this link .

Amish cure for cancer + research:
1.) Daily use of Apricot Seed derivatives , capsules, flour form

2.) Daily Vitamin B-17

3.) Do anything you can to get body PH into the Alkaline Zone

4.) Vegetable juicing, probiotics, probiotic foods.


.: included Coffee enemas. Up to 5 times a day.

6.) Some articles I’ve just read link connection between parasites and cancer. I myself think that we are being intentionally being subjected to high levels of parasites in our foods, so I suggest any anti-parasitic supplements you can get a hold of.



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