How and Who Created Israel... (read description)

9 months ago

The video says the basics, but people need to fully understand that the Rothschild's are FALSE Jews, as they are Khazarian-Ashkenazi Jews. It's no coincidence that also in 1917 came the zionist communist Bolshevik Revolution...where they created famine in Russia and the genocide of millions. Zionism is a satanic political ideology, a bunch of sick, depraved scumbags who are pedophiles, pedovors, extremely satanic communists. The real hebrew jews were persecuted and killed by the Nazis, the same zionist scumbags but with a penchant for black Hugo Boss uniforms. The real hebrew jews today have been brainwashed with Rabbinic Judaism which is heavily aligned with the Talmud. The real jews who reject the Talmud are not zionists. Oh and Hitler's father was a Rothschild.

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