Fire Marshall Jamaal Bowman Urges 'Seat At The Table' For Hip-Hop Community On Federal Policy

7 months ago

Rep. Jamaal Bowman is a man of many talents. When he is not pulling fire alarms to disrupt Congressional procedures, he spends his free time lecturing Jewish people on how to be Jews, praising cop killers, and fearmongering chemical plant explosions. But did you know that Bowman was also a hip-hop slam poet? It's true. Of course, his poetry is pure 9/11 truther lunacy. Here's a sample:

Planes used as missiles / Target: The Twin Towers
30 minutes later / Both buildings collapsed / Onto themselves
Later in the day / Building 7 / Also Collaspsed [sic] / Hmm…
Multiple explosions / Heard before / And during the collapse / Hmm…
Allegedly / Two other planes / The Pentagon / Pennsylvania /
Hijacked by terrorist / Minimal damage done / Minimal debris found / Hmm…

Powerful stuff right there. Powerful, batpoop insane stuff. But given this history, it should come as no surprise that Bowman took to the steps of the Capitol yesterday to promote the inclusion of the hip-hop community in … crafting federal policy? Rep. Jamaal Bowman: "Our goal is to make sure the Hip Hop community has a seat at the table as we work on federal policy." -- Huh? Look, it's a good thing for legislators to include and involve their constituents in their decision-making. But why is the hip-hop community singled out here? Is that primarily his constituency? New York's 16th Congressional District comprises Westchester, Rye, Portchester, and Yonkers, among other towns. Is Bowman saying that those communities are representative of the hip-hop community? Has he ever even visited Rye?

Remember when this guy pulled a fire alarm to disrupt a vote, and then pretended he didn’t know what it did, and then every journalist covered for him and said it’s a common mistake, and then he admitted he lied and got off with a slap on the wrist? That kind of policy. As you can imagine, Twitter had a LOT of questions about the hip-hop community having 'a seat at the table' but not other music communities. -- Why just the hip hop community? What about the polka and punk rock communites as well?? 😕

How about Swifties? Are they included? Something tells us that Taylor Swift is FAR more popular in -- and representative of -- Westchester County. And we're just going to ignore the Death Metal community? Why are you omitting the clogging and square dancing communities? The punk rock community would also like a seat at the table in determining federal policy. And it would be blatant bigotry were we not to also invite the goths and ravers. You can only invite the goths if you make policy and legislate at night though. Emo community sad they’re not included. Oh, those people are ALWAYS sad. -- I'm not sure there's a Yacht Rock or Hair Metal task force. Have you ever gone to a yacht rock party? Everyone is always in a great mood and happy. So, this is an idea worth exploring. This is a terrible idea. What happens if the roof is on fire? -- LOL. Something's gonna burn alright.

At this point we might as well let Cypress Hill and Wu-Tang Clan run the country for a while. Couldn’t possibly go much worse.It's worth a shot. Can't wait to hear Lil Uzi Vert's position on tariffs. I think Flavor Flav would make an excellent Secretary of Knowing What Time It Is Boyeee. Congressional Democrats definitely need a better 'hype man' than MC Dan Goldman. On a more serious note, maybe there is a downside to 'inclusion' for the hip-hop community in federal policy that Bowman probably didn't consider. Why hip hop? They are the ones who have continuously glorified gang violence fur the last 3 decades. It almost makes sense if you are dumb enough to think anything they do would make a difference. Seems legit as they are so pro fatherhood and treating women with profound respect. At least the hip-hop community seems very pro-Second Amendment, at least.

Question for Dem voters in New York 16th District: Why are you voting for this clown who's priority is a "Hip Hop Task Force" instead of fighting to solve Homeless, Illegal Migrants taking over your schools & recreation areas, Fentanyl, & Crime. Are you folks just that stupid?

• More at: Twitchy - Fire Marshall Jamaal Bowman Urges 'Seat at the Table' for Hip-Hop Community on Federal Policy

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