Ranging Trading Strategies (NR7) Since 1990

1 year ago

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Here is a simple but very effective Ranging Trading Strategy using ranges that have been around for a long time. It was first discovered by Toby Crabel back in 1990.

Looking to diversify your trading strategies? The NR7 trading strategy, popularized by Tony Crabel in 1990, could be the answer. This volatility-based strategy enters trades on days with narrow trading ranges (low volatility).

Unlike some strategies that rely on buying weakness, the NR7 approach is unique and potentially valuable in its own right. However, it's important to backtest the strategy and see how it correlates with your existing trading methods.

If you're looking to expand your trading knowledge and want to learn more about NR7 and trading ranges, this video is for you. Our comprehensive guide explains the strategy in detail and provides tips for optimizing your trades. Watch now and see how the NR7 strategy can diversify your portfolio.

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0:00 Range Trader
0:18 What is the strategy about?
0:44 Trading Rules
1:00 Trade Examples
1:16 Performance Chart
1:23 Backtest Results
1:40 Can we improve it?

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