The Breath as a Doorway to Peace

11 months ago

March 10 - The Breath as a Doorway to Peace
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Today we practice returning to the breath, the present moment, that holy instant when the past is forgiven and the future is set free. Being that we are God/Love’s creation, anytime we are experiencing something other than love and its expressions such as kindness, peace, joy, forgiveness, and compassion, we are experiencing the ego’s past programming. Judgment of self and others, anger, resentment, and hate are all illusionary creations of the ego, all representatives of our past programming, all representatives that we are somewhere other than within the present moment.

Today we will use a very short phrase; call it a mantra, a prayer, or what you will, to return our minds to remembering who we are and where we belong. Choose your own word, words, or phrase that you can repeat in one full breath that represents the truth in you. For example, today I will breathe in “I am,” and breathe out “Peace.” Today, whenever I start buying into the ego’s solutions to my confusion, I will consciously stop my ego’s programmed response, starve it of my time, energy, and focus which is its fuel, and return to the breath, that holy instant when we are once again consciously united with God.
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