Adam Kraft ( 1460? – 1509) German Sculptor ( Nuremberg, London)

11 months ago

"Adam Kraft was a leading sculptor of the final phase of the Late Gothic period in Germany. His many works in stone, which range from monumental sculptures for public places to decorative ornaments for private residences, were commissioned primarily by Nuremberg patrons, between 1490 and 1509. When in 1490 Kraft was first mentioned in a Nuremberg document, he was already established as a master with his own workshop. In this year he was commissioned to make an elaborate stone relief to replace a weathered mural on the east choir of St. Sebaldus. This epitaph for the Schreyer and Landauer families, showing extended narrative scenes from the Passion and Resurrection, is replete with anecdotal detail, a hallmark of Kraft's work. Source: Grove Art Online;
The Schreyer-Landauer Monument (original & plaster cast)
"Central panel, lower right detail showing figures holding the Crown of Thorns and tools of the Crucifixion.
The original is in sandstone, dated ca. 1490-1492 and is located on the exterior of the apse at the Church of St. Sebaldus, Nuremberg, Germany.

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