Stella Assange: "What's at stake is the ability to publish the truth and expose crimes ..."

11 months ago

NOW - Stella Assange: "What's at stake is the ability to publish the truth and expose crimes when they're committed by states."



The world we are moving into is the world of the Light, the deep-state are in tatters but we must continue to fight peacefully as the remnants of the deep-state and their mockingbird media continue to destroy themselves.

There are too many names of great heroic patriots WORLDWIDE who have been fighting on the real battlefields, the political battlefield, and the digital battlefield to name. But there are a few others besides Julian Assange that are often overlooked..and those are

Chelsea Manning
David Wynn Miller
Russel Jay Gould
ALL Survivors of Satanic Ritual Abuse and those we sadly lost

God's worth is coming and it will be swift and furious

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