The One Place You Can Still Create YOUR OWN Country

1 year ago

The Land No Country Wants (Bir Tawil):
Ever wanted to start your own country? Be your own king? Well, there's one place in the world you might actually be able to do that; Bir Tawil.

After a few hundred years of imperialism, major world superpowers have pretty much grabbed every bit of land that covers the earth’s surface. But when Britain was snatching up land, they really messed up the borders. So much so that today Egypt and Sudan officially recognize two separate borders, and tucked in between is a piece of land neither claim.

Bir Tawil is South of Egypt’s border—so Egypt thinks it's part of Sudan, but it’s also north of Sudan's Border—so Sudan thinks it’s part of Egypt. This doesn’t really create many problems though, because there’s a whopping zero people living in Bir Tawil. So if you want to start your own country, the land is just there for the taking.

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