This Old House: Dorchester #3 (15Feb1979) Frozen Pipes & a New Kitchen Wall

1 year ago

Bob talks about the demolition work that has taken place and the problems they have encountered so far. The roof has significant rot damage and will cost more time and money. He explains the plan to make the porch look like it did originally 100 years ago—before the doctor's office entrance was added. As a guide, they can look at a house across the street that is a similar style and was built at the same time. That house gives them an idea of what a simple façade the project house once had. Another problem has been freezing pipes due to the cold weather in Boston. The house is six feet higher than the street level and the water main. The plumber hasn't been able to dislodge the ice in the pipes, so they might have to dig down into the ground. A lead pipe will have to be replaced. Bob goes inside to look at the progress of the demolition work. The "box" or the doctor's office entrance will eventually be removed and a new wall and window will replace it. All the demolition inside is completed. The only structural problem encountered is underneath the upstairs bathroom. The indoor plumbing ruined the rafters underneath it. In the kitchen area, Bob shows us where a new first floor bathroom will be located. He shows us where a wall will be removed between the kitchen and current dining room to create a family kitchen dining area. The kitchen is full of problems. It was an addition to the house and has structural issues with the walls, including surface rot on the studs. The previous exterior door will be closed off and they are creating a new door. Temporary roof supports were put in place to support the roof while they remove the wall. Norm Abram and the crew take the wall down and dump them. Bob takes a look at the new wall that has already been built. Norm and the crew move the new wall into place. A new wooden deck will eventually be installed in the area outside the kitchen. Douglass Shand-Tucci, an expert on Victorian architecture, talks more about the history of Dorchester, Massachusetts. We learn about the meetinghouse and St. Peter's church. The project house is situated between the two landmarks.
Upstairs, Bob discusses the plan to convert the current bathroom into a master bathroom. They will also add a bathroom and laundry room into an existing bedroom that is too small to function as a bedroom.

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