Their Deadly Agenda

1 year ago

Once upon a time, America’s elected officials had our best interests at heart. Sadly, that is no longer the case.

As the Democrat party veers left, and out of control, the true, progressive, anti-gun agenda has become obvious. It’s the destruction of America’s Second Amendment. The process? Chip away at our treasured gun ownership rights. Impose new regulations, one federal or state statute at a time. Those chiselers are hard at work and making progress. They want to leave us defenseless victims.

But, “not to worry,” they say. “You can always pick up the phone and call 9-1-1 for help.”

Who answers those 9-1-1 calls? Your local law enforcement agency. That’s right…the police. The very same people attacked, demonized, and defunded by the gun grabbers.

So, if…the progressives don’t want you to protect yourself. But they don’t want to fund and support the police, either. And they choose not to prosecute violent criminals apprehended by the police. And they release many of those same criminals immediately after arrest without bail. And they throw America’s southern gates wide open to criminals, terrorists and military-aged invaders…to put you at even greater risk, we can draw only one conclusion…

They must want you dead.

You think we are overstating the case? How about what just happened in the town of Moose Creek, Minnesota? The mayor and town council there voted to shut down the police department. It’s gone. Every last officer.

How about big cities like, St. Louis? They slashed the police budget, forcing the city to fire 350 officers. More officers are on their way out.

In America, police officers want you alive. But they, themselves, are becoming an endangered species.

Fortunately, some of us still recognize and respect the badge and those that wear it. One such agency is InVest USA. We use your donations to purchase gear that saves police and first responders’ lives. If you would like to show that “blue lives matter,” visit InVest U S A dot org and click the “donate” tab at the top or bottom of the page. A box will open at PayPal where you can help purchase the active shooter vests that our remaining law enforcement authorities so desperately require.

On their behalf, thank you.!/donation/checkout

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