1 year ago

Why is GSK award-winning journalist Gemma O'Doherty obsessed with undermining the work of the resistance movement in Ireland and the UK?
In one broadcast, from November 27th, 2023, the acid-tongued hack mentions my name three times while making false, unsubstantiated allegations. The least we might expect from a so-called investigative journalist who brags endlessly about all her awards, is a shred of evidence to back up her outlandish statements. If I am a State Agent, as O'Doherty claims continually in her nightly broadcasts, then provide some evidence or take back the false claim. Surely that is fair. Disagree with me all you like, but don't lie about 'controllers' or being 'fed information' which is absolute nonsense. In true O'Doherty form, she doubles down on her lies and keeps going with more false accusations. So why is Gemma lying? Why is she constantly spreading false rumours online about practically everyone trying to expose the work of the globalists? It's very strange behaviour. Some of O'Doherty's work appears worthy but sadly it's laced with deceit and that's not good enough at this stage in the game where journaliars have destroyed our faith in the Fourth Estate. We need a return to journalistic ethics, high standards and accountability and this sloppy output does not meet basic standards in broadcasting. I, for one, am fed up of O'Doherty's lies and will call them out at every turn.

If O'Doherty is the good Catholic she claims to be, why not follow Commandment Nine? Thou shall not bear false witness against thy neighbour

If we're going to get out of this mess in any shape, we need to care about the Truth and that works on both sides of the fence.

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