Little Girl Is Sent Into A Crying Fit Over Kitten Surprise

7 years ago

Remember when you were little and you kept nagging your parents for a pet of your own? Usually it is a sign of growing up, showing that you are able to take care of another living thing. Our parents rarely gave into our demands for a pet, given how we were all so very young and still incapable of taking care of our own selves, let alone an animal. But we salute those who would let their kids have their wish, because that is how one becomes independent.

This little girl was asking her mom for a kitten for so long, but she always said no. After all, it is such a huge responsibility, having to train the animal, making sure it always has fresh water to drink and enough food to eat and to make sure that it has a clean potty. But after a near tragic moment which demanded 4 attempts at the Heimlich maneuver, this 9-year-old’s mom decided that she should get her wish.

So the mom announced her daughter that she has a surprise for her, hiding somewhere in their home in Milwaukee. It would have been much more fun, if it wasn’t for the baby brother discovering the playful kitten running around the house.

The look on the 9-year-old’s face says it all. She can barely hold back her tears of utmost joy, covering her face and muffling her cries.

The mom says: “I didn't sleep for days, it was so tramatic (sic) to see my child not breathing, and one night I jumped up and thought, "Oh my goodness, she's wanted a kitten her whole life, you would have never got her the kitten, get HER THE KITTEN!" So here is her meeting her new baby for the first time.

Kids are only little once, life is short; get the kitty, get the puppy people. And FINALLY brush up on your BLS/CPR it could save a life!!!

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