8 months ago

We are preparing for seasonal cataclysms based on past experience, but now climate change makes the onset of the natural disasters so unpredictable that in the consumerist format of society we become helpless before their consequences. And it's clear that the topic of climate must become the main issue on the agenda in our society.

Climate change is progressing every day! The number of deaths and injuries is increasing! Many territories are becoming uninhabitable. Millions of people have already become refugees because of extreme climatic conditions.

Watch in the new episode of Breaking News!

June 6, 2022
GUANGZHOU, CHINA. Jiangxi province received nearly one and a half times the monthly norm of rainfall within 24 hours. As of June 9, more than 2 million people in Jiangxi and Hunan provinces have been affected by floods and landslides after several days of heavy rains. Unfortunately, there are casualties.

June 10
CHINA. A massive landslide has hit Guangxi province and taken away people’s lives. Three earthquakes of high magnitude occurred at shallow depth in the southwest of the country in Sichuan province. Underground tremors were accompanied by aftershocks. Continuous rains after the earthquake caused landslides on the roads. This made it impossible for cars to travel, and rescuers had to reach the affected areas on foot.

On this day
AZERBAIJAN. Heavy rains and hail caused a natural disaster in the Dashkesan region.
Some mountain rivers have been flooded. A number of communication lines and private homes were damaged and flooded. Mudflows swept away cars and destroyed bridges.

On the same day
BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA. Heavy rains caused widespread flooding in many cities. In the city of Celic, excessive rainfall caused the river to overflow its banks. About 200 homes and business facilities were flooded.

USA. Tornadoes and large hail storms passed through southeastern Nebraska. Baseball-sized hail storms damaged many cars. Strong winds destroyed several homes, felled trees and power poles.

MEXICO. The nation's capital was hit by heavy rains, sleet and hail. The roof of a supermarket collapsed under the weight of precipitation. There are reports of a casualty.

JUNE 13, 2022
TÜRKIYE. After a heavy downpour, powerful hail fell in the Yozgat district. In some places the hail cover reached a height of almost one meter within just 30 minutes. Houses were flooded and crops were damaged. One of the residents of the village where the natural disaster took place said that he had never seen such hail before.

Moreover, other natural disasters have occurred in many countries: flooding in Guatemala and El Salvador, Canada, India and Indonesia, Ghana and Oman. Tornadoes in the Czech Republic. Hail storms in Greece and Romania. Large-scale fires in Spain, Israel and Arizona (USA).

Day by day, natural disasters are attacking with greater force, changing people’s lives.
Find out the truth about the climate, the causes of climate change and catastrophic consequences for humankind at the forum "Global Crisis. We Are People. We Want to Live!"

GLOBAL CRISIS. WE ARE PEOPLE. WE WANT TO LIVE | International Online Forum | May 7th, 2022

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