Something terrible is happening! What are eyewitnesses from around the world saying? Disasters 2022

1 year ago

Something terrible is happening! What are eyewitnesses from around the world saying? Disasters 2022
JUNE 1, 2022
A strong earthquake of 6.1 magnitude shook southwest China. The source lay at a depth of 17 kilometers near the urban district of Ya'an. Several aftershocks followed. Unfortunately, there were victims and injuries and about 13 thousand people were evacuated.
The earth tremors provoked strong rockfalls in the mountains. Rocks fell on passing cars. Buildings, railroad tracks, and telecommunications were also damaged.

Watch about this and more in this episode of Breaking News.

MAY 26-27, CHINA
Floods and landslides have also affected residents in three southern regions of China. There are reports of deaths and people missing. The power of nature has damaged more than a hundred
homes, roads and bridges. Thousands of hectares of crops were flooded. And the downpours in the country are not ending.

The climate is becoming so volatile and unpredictable that even in regions with rainy seasons, rainfall and subsequent flooding take residents by surprise.

MAY 27
Monsoon season is not yet here, and according to the state's Assam Disaster Management Authority (ASDMA), flooding has already affected more than 5,500 people and killed dozens more.
A storm hit the nation's capital with thunderstorms, heavy rain and in some places with hail. Unfortunately, there are fatalities and injuries. The gust of winds up to 100 kilometers per hour blew down hundreds of trees.

If the rainy season came early in India, it can't end in Brazil. Heavy rains have caused the biggest disaster in 50 years in Recife, Pernambuco.

MAY 28
More than a month's worth of rain fell in just 12 hours. Streets and alleys turned into rivers with strong currents carrying mud and debris into homes. Large-scale landslides demolished dozens of homes.

MAY 29
NORTH BULGARIA - Hail the size of a chicken egg almost completely destroyed crops in the disaster area, damaging roofs of homes and cars.
In NORTH ITALY, people hid in shelters from hailstones the size of golf balls.
ROMANIA and HUNGARY were also held hostage by the natural disaster. The storm was accompanied by winds gusting about 100 kilometers per hour and hail. Agricultural land and infrastructure were damaged. Fallen trees and power poles blocked some roads. Lightning strikes caused several houses to catch fire in Transylvania.

The state was hit by a powerful storm with lightning, heavy rain, hail and high winds. Huge hailstones the size of oranges, if not larger, shattered car windows. Strong winds felled trees and power line poles, leaving thousands of residents without power.

MAY 30
Destructive Category 2 Hurricane Agatha caused flooding and landslides. Sadly, lives were lost and there were missing persons.
This hurricane went down in history as the strongest hurricane ever recorded on the coast of Mexico in May. Maximum wind speeds reached 165 kilometers per hour.
Some bridges were washed out and highways were blocked by landslides.
Floodwaters reached the windows of cars and vans. Trees were felled and many roofs were blown off. Some towns in the state of Oaxaca were left without electricity and telephone service.

A major storm struck the state. It was accompanied by gale force winds and heavy rain with hail.
Tornadoes formed at this time tore down the roofs, destroyed houses and felled trees. About 75 homes were completely destroyed or severely damaged. More than 72,000 people were left without electricity.

As long as there is a consumer format ofsociety, we have no solution to overcome the climate and other crises.
But there is still a chance to change everything!
In order to do so, we need to consolidate and build a Creative Society.

GLOBAL CRISIS. WE ARE PEOPLE. WE WANT TO LIVE | International Online Forum | May 7th, 2022

Official website of the Creative Society Project:

GLOBAL CRISIS. TIME FOR THE TRUTH | International Online Conference | December 4th, 2021
#earthquakeChina #floodinChina #hurricaneAgata #stormintheU.S. #CreativeSociety

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