Galactic Federation March Energy Update & Christ Consciousness Transmission

11 months ago

I was sitting in a restaurant enjoying breakfast yesterday when I suddenly experienced one of the most powerful transmissions of the Christ Consciousness frequency that enveloped my body. This frequency was so overwhelming that I could not contain it in my physical vessel. I just started chanting and vibrating this frequency and I was guided to record it on my phone so it could be shared with everyone. Listening to this frequency, I was told will activate your DNA as well as attune your lightbody to the frequency of Christ Light which is one of the most purest and most potent frequency of Divine Source that a human being is able to embody in planet Earth.

I also share some intel received from our Galactic Guides about some of the powerful vortices we will experience in March leading up to the Equinox Gateway of March 21. The 3D/5D split is very visible for all to see in our our reality and its time we move forward on our souls journey and fully activate our mission to create New Earth in every way possible.

A powerful affirmation that may assist you in this process. Recommended that you speak this out loudly and clearly every day before starting your day: "I no longer force things. What flows flows, What crashes, crashes. I only have space and energy for things that are meant for me. And so it is!"

With Love,


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