Practical Steps to Prepare for the Last Days, Today (Live Service 2024 February 19)

1 year ago

2024 will potentially be a year of major prophetic occurrences. From the Red Heifer Sacrifice to a major Middle-Eastern war involving an Iranian offensive, this is a year to watch. This year also promises a "devil" comet, a total solar eclipse over the US, a hot presidential election, potential Israel peace agreements, and much more. How do Christians prepare themselves for these days? What are some practical steps we must take in light of coming events?

Join us as Dr. Chris Anderson shares some biblical wisdom on practical preparation. He will challenge you to begin taking the steps discussed soon. The message will be a type of mirror for our spiritual condition. Do we get lost in the details of eschatological prospects? Are we preoccupied with busying ourselves? What is most important?

We will also be holding communion before the message. Bring communion elements with you to participate with us in this sacred time of remembrance and obedience.

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