Ursula von der Leyen: Thoughtcrimes, polarization are top concerns for global business community

1 year ago

Ursula von der Leyen (President of European Thought Police) recently said that the top concern for the global business community is “disinformation and misinformation, followed closely by polarization within our societies.”

When she says “disinformation and misinformation,” what she really means is Thoughtcrimes. The latter is a term from George Orwell’s book ‘1984’ and refers to any thought that conflicts with the Party’s teachings and beliefs. Said differently, any thought that the Party dislikes. In this context, Truth plays no role whatsoever.

Examples of Thoughtcrimes were any negative thought about Big Brother and doubting Oceania’s war. More recent examples of Thoughtcrimes are any doubt about the ‘pandemic,’ the COVID or other ‘vaccines,’ or ‘climate change.’

Why doesn’t Von der Leyen just say ‘Thoughtcrimes’ when that is what she means? Because then even the gullible and compliant population would realize that the conveyed message is in line with the agenda of the Party and NOT of the population.

The Party wants to own and control the ‘truth’ because they want to manufacture ‘consent.’ In order to own the ‘truth’ they must prevent the spread of anything that conflicts with their ‘truth,’ i.e. they must prevent the spread of Thoughtcrimes. They want to be the “single source of ‘truth’” as Jacinda Ardern said.

Among other things, they do this by using the terms ‘misinformation’ and ‘disinformation’ instead of Thoughtcrimes. They also do this by framing Thoughtcrimes as a big threat to anything the population (claims to) care about, such as health and democracry.

The polarization is between the following groups:

- People who blindly trust all the bullshit propagated by the Party and the mainstream media and/or who believe we should blindly follow whatever Big Brother orders

- People who think independently, who gather independent information, who seek the Truth

The former group is the problem; the latter group is the solution.


Davos 2024: WEF's Zahidi Says Misinformation Is Top Short-Term Risk


SOURCE: https://twitter.com/disclosetv/status/1747224916296946077

Mirrored - frankploegman

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