politicians need to be Jailed

7 months ago

Not to long ago. Most of our so called leaders would hang.

But we have a society of pussies. So crimes by the ruling class is accepted and the sheep have become accustomed to political crimes up to and including genocide, mass murder, treason, espionage, Extortion, racketeering, fraud and theft, rigging elections, manipulation of media, breach of office and trust, guilty of war crimes, and terrorism.

But apparently the elitists can do anything and not get charged. They control the police and justice . So its a dictatorship, socialism communism,Feudaliaum same old shit . All collectivism.

All end with the people getting killed by the ruling class which turns into a blood bath nobody wins.

You would think the morons in charge would understand this but arrogance ignorance pride ego and jealousy is very dangerous.

It always leads to irrational and retarded decisions.

Thia earth does not require humans. It can survive without if ppl cannot act like intelligent adults who have logic and self control.

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