H.G. Wells - The Island of Doctor Moreau

1 year ago

Edward Prendick, the single survivor of a shipwreck, is rescued by Montgomery in a vessel carrying a menagerie of savage animals. Taken to an uncharted island, he meets Dr Moreau – a brilliant scientist whose notorious experiments have caused him to abandon the civilized world. It soon becomes clear he has been developing these experiments – with truly horrific results.

Montgomery ....... Kenneth Colley
Prentice ....... Kim Wall
Prentice's Nephew ....... Neal Foster
Dr Moreau ....... Garard Green
Captain Jones ....... Peter Meakin
Helmar ....... Richard Mitchley
M'Ling ....... Terry Molloy
Constans ....... Danny Schiller
Nurse ....... Janet Dale
Various ....... Alex Jones
Dramatized by David Calcutt
Directed by Nigel Bryant.

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